gregor samsa in leeds again 
gregor samsa (not to be confused with some bloke called gregory or the leeds band called samsa) hail from nyc or thereabouts and i first saw them at the brudenell in 2006 at a gig with a rather superb line-up for a quiet sunday night gig in the month of may. support came from barzin, once we were, hooray say the roses and palo alto. it has to be said, i was secretly quite excited when i heard last year that they were heading back to leeds.
gregor samsa, ca. 2006:

this time around it was a friday night gig on a cold night in january, in the same venue, although not with quite the same atmosphere. the first band of the evening sketches didn't quite set the scene as well i didn't think.... (i missed the opening act). i did really enjoy the gregor band though, despite the noisiness from the back (and the lack of visuals this time).
gregor samsa, ca. 2009:
and just a note about the first band i saw play this year (at the cardigan arms on fri 9 jan) - the abc club. it seems i might not get to see them play again? that's a sad fact if it's true (everyone looks sad in this pic tho...did they know something we didn't?!). more pics from the set here.
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