photos: ef // ilt
so this week, it seems there have been some coincidences in the bands that i have gone to see: (1) abbreviations; (2) post-rock; (3) subdued lighting. all good in my book (except the last one maybe, but i like how the shots have turned out so, yes in the end, all good.). i wasn't actually sure if no.2 was the correct terminology to use (genres flumox me a bit - bands are generally classed as 'noisy' or 'quiet' in my book, or a bit of both with 'guitary' thrown in).

[blogger is playing up and added photos is a pain at the moment; so i might come back and add more soon]
more shots on flickr anyway; see here.
most recently it was ef (from gothenburg, sweden). am so glad i got to this gig. it was almost hampered by the fact my i-phone was stolen the day before (yes, logistics like - how will i call a cab to get home - did almost hinder my gig-going). i've been looking forward to the day ef played leeds for some years now, so i could hardly not go. [and i'm still calling them "ef" in my head, when actually they are called "e.f." (hence where no.1 above comes in, except for the fact, the 'e' and the 'f' don't actually stand for anything apparently).] and they didn't disappoint. it is such a shame though that forest of sound didn't put them on; i'd always envisaged them as the promoter the day ef came to down. ah well.
anyway, so i'll let the photos do the talking. i hope they have captured some of the essence of the gig...

more on flick here.
last weekend it was a hometown gig for ilt (leeds, uk), or to give them their full name i like trains. (are they still a post-rock band? i know they used to be.) the trains were headlining a haiti charity all-dayer and a top day it was too (even though i only got down to see the last four bands, but only took photos of ilt). this was the first time shooting the band (i think) since ian (ex-redjetson) has joined and since ash has gone off to focus on his super animations under the name broken pixel (most recently for lone wolf, see the peter gabriel homage on vimeo here).
ilt headed straight off in the state-of-the-art tour-van (oh yes) straight after the gig to support editors in mainland europe.
ilt headed straight off in the state-of-the-art tour-van (oh yes) straight after the gig to support editors in mainland europe.

[blogger is playing up and added photos is a pain at the moment; so i might come back and add more soon]
more shots on flickr anyway; see here.