damo suzuki + leeds friends
the only other leeds gig i've seen this month was almost a couple of weeks ago now - damo suzuki - once member of 1970s band can. i didn't know any of his stuff, although maybe at some point in the past i have listened to some can without quite realising, who knows?? i had heard his gigs are generally pretty entertaining, so went along intrigued to find out what it was all about. support came from napolean iiird and quack quack, the collective four individuals from both of which were to join damo on stage again later on - along with two other leeds musicians. cos that's what happens at a damo suzuki gig. a bunch of local musicians get together and play for an hour or so without ever all having been on stage together before, whilst making it sound like they play together all the time... it was quite something to behold.
admittedly i reckon i might have got bored if i hadn't been taking photos, but it was entertaining all the same. i didn't get bored with the supports - never seen quack quack before and i did enjoy what i seen. moz (on the keyboards) was most most entertaining. i wanna have that much fun!
and first on was napolean iiird who i enjoyed muchly. i hadn't seen napiiird for some time...(just checking my archives)...since may last year in fact. and i don't think i've ever seen him with two of them-there tape-things (very technical term!). i recall one of the last tunes he played - which seemed to be quite different to the rest of the set - reminded me of animal collective (well i thought so anyway). which is very apt, cos animal collective are playing in leeds this very night as i type! ha, and funnily enough, reading that archive post from last may there was also an animal collective link (if you read all the way to the end)...
more shots from this gig in f-land.
now, will i get to any more gigs before this month is out i wonder? my gig quota for march hasn't been so high. hmm. i hope it's not a sign that i'm turning into a hermit.